Zwei modern eingerichtete Appartements in herrlicher ruhiger Lage erwarten Sie im Haus Nistler.
Unsere Wohnungen


Wir sind begeisterte Berg und Schitourengeher. Wenn Sie uns begleiten wollen, wir nehmen Sie gerne mit auf eine Schnuppertour z.B. auf die Rauthhütte in Leutasch.
Olympiaregion Seefeld

Die Möglichkeiten, in glasklarer Luft vor atemberaubender Naturkulisse neue Kraft zu tanken, sind in der Olympiaregion Seefeld grenzenlos.

Hi! Claudia,
Here are the pictures of our three smiling faces enjoying last few moments together in the brilliant sun of Seefeld, and a few other fun times!! We were sad to leave, but came away with so many wonderful memories of our stay, during the 2019 XC Ski World Championships! We both agree none are better than our stay at Haus Nistler, and meeting you and Michael! We hope the future holds another opportunity for us to visit Seefeld, and if so, we will definitely preferred to stay with you again! How could we expect better than your warm welcome, and the nice bottle of wine on our arrival!!
Hopefully, on another visit, we can convince you to enjoy some skiing, together!
Thank you for your help, generosity, professionalism, advice and genuine friendship!
We had a blast!
Ronn and Lena